Has a recent statement from Facebook announcing that they will allow employees to continue working from home after COVID 19 if they wanted, set the trend for businesses in London? The story which featured on the BBC News website here: BBC News goes in to more detail.
The feeling is that people will still need to go to the office but can have a more flexible working arrangement allowing time to be divided more equally between the office and the home. Achieving a good work life balance has always been difficult and now there is a perfect opportunity to set out a new plan moving forward.
There have been some businesses that have said they will be returning to the office as remote working was not the answer for them, as explained in the BBC report the chief executive of Barclays bank, said that working from home was “not sustainable”.
It is evident that some changes will need to be made and there are the inevitable difficulties encouraging workers back to daily commute to London. It seems that many smaller businesses in London will aim for a split between home working and office time.
Working from home or Returning to the Office?
Compucare has been working businesses in London to establish secure access to business data and email to allow employees to work from home. Our solutions allow businesses to continue to work from the office or at home without the need for any upheaval or disruption to the work process. Read more about our remote working solutions here: Remote Access and Working From Home
To discuss how we can help your business set up a seamless home working solution contact here: Contact
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We currently provide IT Support for many London businesses. We are based minutes from London and consistently provide some of the fastest response times. Our helpdesk is operated by humans, not automated telephone systems. Find out more about our IT Support in London here: IT Support London
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